- Details
Created on Saturday, 16 April 2011 14:55
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 November 2015 21:36
Hits: 5942
- Work period: 2009-2010
- Position: PHP programmer
- General Responsibilities: Company Internet solutions development, including mobile content portal: juup.pl, mobile cards system and other company web sites.
- Detailed Responsibilities:
- http://juup.com – set up of mobile content web site based on PHP5 Symfony 1.1.9. New, key functionalities development. Search engines optimization.
- http://www.telecommedia.pl – development of company official web site based on own CMS system written in PHP 4.
- Development of mobile cards system written in PHP5 Symfony 1.2.9
- Development of company web site containing information about SMS Quiz. CMS system based on Symfony 1.2.9.
- Statistics system for company AdServer written in PHP5 Symfony 1.2.9
- Minor development of C based SMS sending system based multiple GMS modems.