New web site released!

Created on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 22:18
Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 22:39
Hits: 4684

It's good to know that my new personal web site was launched just 2 days before the royal wedding Wink There are however one thing that links this two events - they both will be long remembered ;p


What has changed? First of all as you can see there is new layout, I've decided to give up on blue color and replace it with more formal black-gray graphics. Time will show if it was a good decision or not? I also decided to write most articles in English, although I'd like to warn you that not all archive materials were translated, so some knowledge of Polish will be a significant advantage, especially while reading archive news Wink All other sections of the web site were translated into English. What else has changed... well there is new official URL:, that's mainly because I decided to invest some money in my first professional web hosting, the previous one was on academic servers, which by definition were limited in many ways. Right now I'm using Rootnode hosting. The web site engine has changed also, right now web site uses Joomla CMS in the newest stable release of this CMS – 1.6. The fact that I decided to use Joomla is that it gets more and more popular among web developers and it gives the opportunity to modify your web site quite easy. I decided also to integrate my web site with Facebook and Twitter. That's why you can like or share every part of the page on Facebook. You can also see some interesting news from Twitter in boxes. I hope the web page will evolve, I can assure you that all my new training materials will be available here.


There is one more thing that's worth to be mentioned - this web site works according to IE6 MUST DIE rule! If you'd like to browse this web page in IE6 you can, but there will be a popup message displayed all the time informing you that you're using obsolete browser version, which should be changed. This popup window cannot be closed Wink So download the latest stable Firefox or other good browser.


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