Same here just got that message on tv,

Created on Sunday, 01 March 2015 04:58
Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 November -0001 01:24
Hits: 17787

Same here just got that message on tv, have no idea what that is. Samsung signature service Ends April 1st. I thounght it was something re guarantee maybe. But I bought my f8000 75 inch. In November 2014. So it is still under guarantee. I guess then it's just some of those apps. I never use. My tv works fine, great picture, ect. But sadly seems to drop wifi sometimes for no reason. When going into my home network computer or hard drive over wifi. And have to resign in to router. But. Viemo and you tube ect. Work fine without dropping the wifi. Kinda strange. But can live with it Just put my pictures and videos on 32 gig usb keys and and very happy with the rest.

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