- Details
Created on Saturday, 16 April 2011 14:52
Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 November 2015 21:36
Hits: 29962
- Work period: September 2010 - August 2012
- Position: Software Engineer
- Responsibilities: Embedded platforms software development in Digital Television Lab. SmartTV applications development. Preparation of training materials and conducting trainings and workshops for external content providers. Support for content providers on Samsung Developer Forum.
- Lectures and presentations (All presentation in WWW mode should be watched in resolution 1280x1024 or more):
- Video playback using HTTP Live Streaming and HTTP Adaptive Streaming [ZIP|WWW]
- HTML and CSS introduction presentation [ZIP|WWW]
- Front Trends 2010 conference summary presentation – new trends in web applications development for 2010 [ZIP|WWW]
- Finished projects
- NHL GameCenter LIVE™ Samsung SmartTV 2011 Application. Described by NHL: “With your NHL GameCenter LIVE™ subscription, you can watch live games, full length and condensed replays, as well as classic games on your Samsung device.” Please visit: for more details.
- Fitness – one of Samsung's 2012 signature services application for Smart TV platform. This application contains interactive fitness programs that enables users to manage their weight lost goals. Project was awarded with "SPRC Award 3Q 2012"
- National Geographic Samsung Smart TV 2010/2011 application. Application allows user to watch Full HD National Geographic photos on screen of their DTVs. It is possible to watch the slide show with many different transition effects. There are four versions of this application, each one offers different content for the end user.
- Samsung Smart TV application prepared for Polish National Television allows users to watch live VOD broadcasts from different sport events on XXX Olympics
- Smart TV Guide upgrade - project aim was to change the content structure, upgrade presentational layer and propose new flow of documents behind the guide.