Fitness – Samsung Smart TV signature service
- Details
- Created on Sunday, 12 February 2012 22:13
- Last Updated on Sunday, 13 December 2015 13:18
- Hits: 115728
On CES2012 in Las Vegas USA, Samsung unveiled the new features of Smart TV platform. Signature Services were introduced.
There are three main Smart TV signature services:
- Family Story – this application allows users to share their photos taken using smart phones via Samsung Smart TVs for the whole family and friends.
- Fitness – application that allows user to set the workout goal and do the workout with the Smart TV. The user is able to monitor his weight loss, BMI change and also track the progress of other users. Application uses WiFi scale and smart phone application Noom. All video workouts are provided by external applications such as Fitness VOD.
- Kids - application for children entertainment.
All above services are available in stock for 2012 Samsung Smart TVs. I was part of the team that created Fitness application.
Go to "menu", "notifications", "delete all"
Notification will go away!
No, this only affects applications that were purchased from the Samsung TV Apps Store. This doesn’t affect any video on demand or music services that you subscribe to like Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video, VUDU, M-GO, Redbox Instant by Verizon, Pandora or Spotify. You will still be able to use these applications.
selecting INFO tells us NOTHING. wasted time trying to figure out what it means only to find it means absolution squat to me. there's nothing to be concerned about losing.
Congratulations you have taken SPAM to a new level and inflict on your TV customers this bizarre message which means nothing and can’t be turned off.
I wonder why take only the top of the screen and not display it across the whole screen so we can see it better and in HD, even better make it stay until 1 April so we can do nothing but stare at it???
Its enough to make me consider ever buying another one of your products.
"The terms and conditions below apply to the following products that form part of the Signature Service
Product code Description
UA65HU9000TXXA 65" UHD TV Curved
UA78HU9000/XFA 78" UHD TV Curved
RF34H9960S4/FA Chef Collection Refrigerator
RF858QALAXW/FA French Door Refrigerator (T9000)
RF31FMESBSL/FA AW4 Sparkling Refrigerator
RH57H90507F/FA Food Show Case Refrigerator
RH60H8130SL/FA Food Show Case Refrigerator
WW10H9410EX/FA Front Load Washing Machine (WW9000)"
pl resolve this issue soon
40 smart tv that samsung service will end April 1
Cannot access my NETFLIX though I have had constant consistent
service for over 3 years
They have told me it's because of your Smart Tv which I am regretting
Can you tell me how to get rid of your Signature streamer as it started
with that
Samsung could put out more clearly the necessary information..
If there is a problem you could communicate it in a better format than this annoying message that does not explain how it affects my TV. I have three 40, 42, 55 and no will consider future purchases of Samsung!
"Fitness – application that allows user to set the workout goal and do the workout with the Smart TV. The user is able to......" I got all worried for nothing (Thanks Samsung!)
The message on my TV was Soooo annoying. The headline did not mean anything to me, then it would disappear before I had time to find the remote to get more detail.
SAMSUNG: 0/10 Please try harder to communicate clearly with your customers.
Dear Samsung,
In the future please could you use less worrisome words such as 'terminated' in your tv messages as it seems that we are all thinking that our tv's are going to crash and die.
Just saying...
I thounght it was something re guarantee maybe. But I bought my f8000 75 inch. In November 2014. So it is still under guarantee. I guess then it's just some of those apps. I never use.
My tv works fine, great picture, ect. But sadly seems to drop wifi sometimes for no reason. When going into my home network computer or hard drive over wifi. And have to resign in to router. But. Viemo and you tube ect. Work fine without dropping the wifi. Kinda strange. But can live with it
Just put my pictures and videos on 32 gig usb keys and and very happy with the rest.