Looking for Dracula in Transilvania - May 2013


The Apuseni National Park is a place located in The West Romanian Mountains in Transylvania, it is filled with various forms of landscape. You can find here magnificent caves and lakes as well as interesting view spots from peaks. The most interesting places here are: Cetatile Ponoruli (the highest cave portal in Europe 74m), Lumena Pierduta and Gropa de la Barsa, which we all had a pleasure to see, you can refer to below photos. Our base camp was located in a little village called Padis. Fortunately there is a good, paved road that leads from Bradet to Padis, which was build in 2012, so reaching there was not so difficult as we initially expected. All main tourist paths starts in Padis, so it was very easy for us to set off. We were glad because the weather was great and there was not much snow left after the winter. It is worth to mention that tourist paths here are marked not in the same manner as they are in Poland, here you have not only colours to mark the paths, but also different shapes, such as triangles, circles etc.

We visited a middle aged castle in Hunedoara as well.

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